Monday, October 21, 2013

MG Jesta wip

So I wanted to do a souped up jesta custom. Took some references and concepts from modelers around. Seems like everyone is doing their own version of a jesta cannon Or some souped up jesta with lots of big guns.

So I decided to do a high speed jesta type. At first I thought maybe a stark jesta was cool but I started adding more stuff to the backpack and ended up with this. 

Definitely needs more detail though.. You guys can probably already guess what parts were used for this pack LOL..

The leg armor was rather bare. So decided to add a little bit of detail to it. Seeing from these wips, it seems like my basics are still not there yet.. Can't scribe perfect lines.. Guess enough practice will lead to perfection. I'm going on a short gundam break.. My nation needs me. Hopefully when i get back, I will still have the motivation and drive to carry on. Till then, watch this space! 

Sunday, October 20, 2013

MG Jesta (first look)

Okay so GBWC is finally over. Time to move on to the next project, the Jesta Group Build by Poison Monkeys. For those who are interested to join in the fun. Here is the link to sign up for it:

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

1/144 Beargguy Custom

Simple and relax post GBWC build.
I give to you the Angelic Beargguy. Some pics are glossy. Decided to go with the flat coat.


Fun time is over. Moving back to the MG Jesta

Thursday, September 19, 2013

MSN-36S Shinigami (Sinanju Stein variant)

Finally done! I give to you, my entry for this year's GBWC, The MSN-36S Shinigami. With this kit, I went back to basics. Thing I hate most was scribing panel lines. But with this kit, I really forced myself to do it. I felt I needed to get out of my comfort zone if not I never be able to move forward.

Since the Unicorn Gundam was based on the Sinanju Stein, I decided to give it a psycoframe which looks similar to the Unicorn Gundam. But of course, nothing as complex as the Unicorn Gundam

Always thought the regular Stein gun wasn't very sexy and since I have 2 rezel cannons to spare, put them together, you have yourself a ready made BFG. It still looks kinda skinny so I decided to use the stein beam rifle as well to make this a thicker feel.

Base looks familiar? Its actually inspired by Toymakers ground work! Since the Shinigami is already full on psycoframed... why not psycoframe the base too! Special thanks to Waylander on giving tips on how to achieve that rocky type surface effect! If you don't already know, these 2 guys are super talented modelers based in Singapore. If you don't already know them, do watch their space! You will definitely learn a thing or two. 

A Dendrobium was killed in the process. Mechanical chain bases were already going out of style.

And it is done. I've really learnt a lot from this project. And from here on out it is only going to get tougher. Again, just wanna give thanks to my family and friends for all the support and patience! You know who you are! Without you guys I would definitely not have been able to finish this one. it was a really fun and good learning experience!