Monday, May 20, 2013

Zoids Groupbuild 2013 @ HAW

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Another groupbuild has come and gone. But this time, its not your regular gundam/zaku groupbuild. It is a Zoids groupbuild, which is somewhat rather refreshing. To my surprise, the turnout for this event was overwhelming good! Just check out the sheer number of zoids that graced us with their presence!

It was not that long ago when the last groupbuild was held at HAW. And back here again were some of the familiar faces and some new ones as well. This community is slowly but surely growing! Anyway without further a do, here are some pics of the entries! More pictures here!

The biggest and baddest of them all is the King Gojulas by Waylander. I was about 45 mins late and as I rushed into HAW, I was greeted by its majestic roar! As this kit is an ancient Tomy zoid, the process of making this one come to live was rather tedious and lots of effort with the masking and workmanship. More pics can be found here at Waylander's blog

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Next up is Toymaker's Iron Kong in War Machine colours! In Toymaker's words, this is the PG of Zoids.

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Next up, Leon Ku's King Kong. I really like this one. This whole presentation already has a story of its own! Check out the internal details of this kong. This one totally gave me the feel of King Kong the movie.

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As these guys were more veteran in the modeling field, their entries were just there for exhibition. :D
So on to the actual entries!

1st place by popular vote! Maintenance Bay entry by Simon
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2nd place by popular vote: Chocofalcon's Shadow Fox VS Genobreaker
More pics of this awesome build can be found here at his blog. :)

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3rd place: Liger Zero by Francis Jordan with a cool dynamic pose!

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A Chinese painting Tiger zoid by Reeve Tan

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Joyce favorite entry! Edwin's Gunsniper Leena special in Iron man MK47 colours!

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A Liger Zero Jager by Stanley Lim that glows in the dark

 photo DSC_6094_zpsf223184e.jpg Command Werewolf by Chern Liang

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Buster Tortoise by Reginald Ho

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A mini scale orange Shield Liger

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White Blade Saber Tiger

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Gunsniper with a BFGG
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and lastly, my very own entry. A gold frame konig wolf mirage. I felt that I didn't do justice to this kit. but I have definitely learnt a lot from attempting this one. :)

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Of course the winners didn't go home empty handed! Winners received a very nice cash voucher courtesy of Hobby Arts Gallery

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And its not over yet! Some of the zoids got bored and decided to have a duel

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Many stayed on to chat and share modeling tips. As the day was coming to an end, everyone finally packed their zoids away and said their goodbyes.

Next Stop.. GBWC.

Stay tuned